Graphic design – a large field of activity and an integral part of the modern world, the creation of visual language. Graphic design can use various means, be digital or printed, can include photographs, illustrations or other graphics.
Graphic design is everywhere
The design can attract attention for just a minute, and can jump. If you look around, you will see many examples: product labels, packaging, book covers, TV screensavers, magazines and billboards – all created by a graphic designer. The scale of the project that the graphic designer is working on can be both very small – a postage stamp, and global – a navigation design for the whole country.
Visual communication through design
Graphic designers help to organize visual information so that it reaches the consumer. Road signs, textbook design, letterhead – it is the graphic designer who solves the problem of accurate and timely communication of information. Competent design of the text helps to make it easy to understand.
Graphic design develops business
It is graphic design that can help sell an idea or product. Creating a corporate identity of the company, branding, packaging has recently become increasingly popular in the market. The graphic design industry is changing very fast, a specialist must be able to perform many tasks and have skills in many areas.
The first works in the genre of graphic design – posters, billboards and other types of printed information – entered people’s lives a long time ago. But now in the arsenal of a true professional should be the latest technology to create video graphics, 3d and animation.
Where can a graphic designer work?
There are many areas of work in graphic design: it is a designer of multi-page publications, packaging designer, motion designer, web designer, visualizer designer, designer-designer of site and application interfaces, game designer. But each of these areas of activity requires comprehensive education.
Graphic designers can work both individually, working on individual projects on a freelance basis, and as part of an advertising agency. Designers are an integral part of the advertising department of any company and work with copywriters, art directors, photographers, illustrators.
Salaries in the field of graphic design are very different: from 30,000 rubles for a novice designer and up to 200,000 rubles for a web designer with extensive experience.

What should a graphic designer know?
For successful work in the field of graphic designer, professional skills and abilities, as well as features of personal development are important. It is necessary not only to think creatively, but to be able to work with a large array of information, organize your own time, set priorities, focus on customer requirements and know the trends in the profession.
“The creative process is based on the author’s inspiration, his abilities, traditions … But, being a creative person, the designer can not afford to wait for enlightenment, or rely only on his intuition in solving problems. Creativity is a technology of organizing the creative process. The main thing in the creative process is a pragmatic element: understanding why, for whom, how and what exactly needs to be created. ” – A. Andreev, teacher of the discipline “Advertising Campaign”.
Professional skills are what employers pay attention to in the first place. Here the designer needs an understanding of the basics of composition, the ability to work with color, typography (the art of text design), the necessary experience in developing web interfaces, packaging, photography, videos. In order to implement the idea, you need to know the basic package of professional programs such as Adobe Illustrator, Photoshop, InDesign, After Effects, programs for 3d editing and video editing, as well as understand the production processes. In addition, in today’s world is very important knowledge of English – the ability to communicate with the client, understanding of professional literature.
Study program at the Institute of Business and Design. In order to give the future graphic designer the full range of necessary skills and knowledge, the Institute of Business and Design has developed a multi-level training program, including preparatory courses, three bachelor’s degrees, master’s program, author’s courses and retraining courses. Thanks to an innovative learning scheme, students learn all genres of graphic design in demand in the market.