The difference between the two specializations is focus. Web design consists of two elements: UI and UX. As their name suggests, they represent user experience and interface design. That is, web design is no longer about the visual perception of the elements of the site, but about information content, clarity, correctness in terms of marketing impact on users. That is, web design answers the questions: “How to correctly place a feedback form and a button to buy a product”, as well as “What should be the structure of the visual so that users buy a product / service better” and the like.
Graphic design no longer touches on the topic of user experience. It refers specifically to the visual component, which is superimposed on the finished prototype with an already formed structure, arrangement of blocks, action buttons, and so on.
5 distinctive features of web design and graphics
There are differences between the two design directions. It is important to understand them, since they require certain skills, talents and capabilities from the performer.
For example, in web design there is less creativity, but more analytics, forecasting and even the psychology of thinking of a potential buyer or user in general. And in graphic design, there is more creativity, visuals, creativity. In the second case, special software Adobe Illustrator CC, Affinity Designer or CorelDRAW Graphics Suite is used for work. A web designer uses very different tools in the form of programs and applications. Hence, there are different requirements for the devices used (a web designer may need a graphic tablet or other convenient gadget to work with drawing and creating visuals).
Web designers care about block sizes and page load times
A graphic designer could make beautiful animations and motion designs to fill literally every element on a site. But this will not work due to too much weight of the animations and the slowdown in loading the site page and individual blocks.
The task of a web designer is to create an optimal structure in which it will be easy for the user to find the information he needs and take action. The buyer should add the product to the cart as soon as possible, and the potential client should quickly leave a request for the service that the company offers on its website. That is, the web designer is not concerned with the final appearance, but with the correct operation of all elements, clarity and accessibility of information, as well as the stability of loading.
A web designer works with traffic and audience
Web designers must not only think creatively and be able to analyze, but also work with traffic and audience. It is the result of a web designer’s work that affects how long users spend on the site and whether they can find the information, product or service they need.
Web designers analyze clicks on every graphic element and button, collect feedback and improve interaction. They can change the size of blocks, rearrange them, change the color scheme. All so that users spend more time on the site and have a good impression of it.
Web designers work in tandem with developers
The difference between web design and graphic design is that the former always work in tandem with developers. Since they are included in the work before graphic designers, who only have to complete the visual design of the finished skeleton and fully finished structure.
Even at the stage of website development, programmers discuss the structure and plan with web designers who determine the arrangement of blocks, the format of buttons and other interaction elements. And after that, the work goes to graphic designers. Graphic design or web design is different. But they should not be seen as a disconnected whole. Typically, introductory courses have similar content for both UI / UX design and graphic design. But then you will need to choose in which direction to move. Either draw more and get creative, or work with the site’s visual structure and interaction elements.