OCAD University

The university is a unique, specialized location for the study and practice of art and design. Students immerse themselves in a cosmopolitan community that includes people from 17 to 69 years old of different backgrounds and abilities who come here from all over the country and from around the world to receive a unique education in Canada.
OCAD University was founded in Toronto by the Society of Ontario Artists in 1876 as the Ontario School of Art. Only in 1912 the educational institution received the status of a college. It was the first high school in Canada to exclusively train professional artists in the visual and commercial arts. In the 90s, the college began adding design programs and in 1996 it was renamed Ontario College of Art and Design. And he received the status of the university in 2002. Now about 5,000 students study at the university, of which 21% are foreigners. Many students choose to study in Canada at OCAD University not only because of the university’s reputation, but also because of the wide range of programs and excellent teaching staff. This is a unique education in Canada for international students, as OCAD University has specialized in art and design longer and more than any other high school in Canada. The university offers the most profound and versatile educational programs, as well as freedom of expression and the development of creativity. OCAD University is located in the heart of Toronto, the largest center for design, culture and business in the country and in the world. The campus location gives students access to design studios, art galleries, an artist center, museums, and more.
OCAD University is formed by international leaders in art and design. Talented and successful artists, designers, illustrators, film and photo industry workers have emerged from its walls, such as Barbara Astman, Rebecca Belmore, Karl Dare, Theo Dimson, Anita Kunz, Claire Stewart, Gary Taxali, Douglas Ball, Floria Sigismundi and many others.
Humber college, Institute of Applied Arts and Technology

Humber college, Institute of Applied Arts and Technology, was founded in 1967. It is now one of the largest and most respected colleges in Canada. In 2003, the Government of Ontario named the College the Institute of Applied Arts and Technology, which expanded the range of programs on offer for bachelor’s, master’s, diploma and certificate in areas such as business, management, applied technology. , art, social security, tourism, information technology, media. Each program is developed by teachers in collaboration with representatives of the studied field, combines both theory and practice, and also offers students an internship as part of the study.
Humber College is the leader among colleges for the number of undergraduate and postgraduate programs offered. Most popular among our students are the Bachelor’s in Advertising, Interior Design, Law, Fashion, Journalism, Music, etc. Humber’s post-graduate programs are unique – there are a number of programs lasting 2 years! For example, Global Business Management and Information Technology Solutions. I would also like to note the unique program for graduates of medical universities – Clinical Research with a semester of unpaid internship. Graduates of the program find employment in leading pharmaceutical companies – Bayer, Sanofi Aventis, etc.
Mohawk College Mohawk College

The large and famous Mohawk College (Mohawk College) is famous primarily for its excellent infrastructure and the broadest technical capabilities: it is one of the best colleges in the province and Canada in terms of scientific and technical facilities. This helps students to receive a really high-quality, practice-oriented and relevant education that meets all the relevant requirements of modern employers. Today, about 14,000 people are studying at the college (about 2,000 are foreigners), and the percentage of successful employment after graduation is 90%: the vast majority of graduates begin professional activities in their specialty in the first six months after graduation. Mohawk College is highly regarded among employers: it is accredited by The Ministry of Training and is a member of the Association of Community Colleges of Canada.
Centennial Сollege Toronto

Centennial Сollege Toronto was established in 1966: it is the oldest community college in the Canadian province of Ontario. Today, more than 12 thousand students are studying here in full-time courses (about 3000 are foreigners) and more than 28 thousand students in correspondence (distance, or continuous) education programs.
This is the most multinational, intercultural university in Canada: here students represent more than 100 world states and ethnic groups, speak more than 80 languages (they make up more than a quarter of the main stream of full-time education). In addition, the university is deservedly considered one of the most high-tech, dynamic and innovative in the country. Some classes here are conducted not by permanent teachers and professors, but by invited specialists from different fields – bankers, financiers, journalists, entrepreneurs, inventors, etc. Academic programs are maximally focused on the practical application of the knowledge gained, help students feel confident after graduation and quickly find a job. Particularly strong theoretical training is provided in the natural sciences and humanities, as well as in the English language. Increased attention is paid to foreign students – a special International Center operates on the Progress campus, which helps students from abroad in every possible way. For them, welcome introductory events (the so-called “Organization Week”) are organized, medical insurance and extension of study / work permits are organized, they are helped to find a company for an internship, organize leisure activities or additional language / academic classes.
Seneca College Toronto

Seneca College Toronto is in many ways a unique Canadian educational institution, offering a variety of study programs on par with recognized universities and high schools. Here you can enroll in almost all programs recognized and accredited in Canada.
Seneca College Toronto today has more than 200 study programs with more than 500 additional options, and the total number of students reaches 11 thousand people in all buildings. More than 8,000 qualified young professionals graduate from the college every year: most students quickly find work in their specialty, and the employer satisfaction level is 96%. Among the graduates, about 3500 people are foreigners, representing more than 113 world states. The college is popular all over the world for its effective and varied training courses, high reputation and place in world rankings, modern infrastructure and good location. For example, animation and design programs are in 12th place in the world rankings.